[艺术创作] 英文长短句1类合集2

 楼主| 发表于 2025-1-16 11:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 IP:广东广州来自: 中国广东广州


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i don't want to apologize/cause what you make,
we can't be brand new/when we are without any hope/cause you don't want to/for we haven't love any more/as you say about love,
we're not the friend/as the truth is so bad/when i question you now,
i got the anger/when you break my heart/then i feel toil/as the way you give.

we will be brand new/when we talk about love,
we can be the lovers/cause this is heart and soul/when we want to/then we give the true hearts/for we fall in love now.
we can happily try/as we believe in/the love won't be toil,
we can sweetly pray for Lord/for the love magic can be added/when we beg to Loid/nowonder how much we pay.

the love is sweet/as we're brand new,
we're heart and soul/when we fall in love/cause we're lovers/under the Sanlight/when we pray,
we will swear to my Lord/cause the honour will be added/for the true hearts,
we can happily try/although we're so toil/when we're poor/but the love is going on now.

how can i want you to do/whatever can make us fall in love?
we're brand new/cause you're the Angle/when we talk about it now/for the true hearts/when we pray,
we will be the lovers/cause i'm your boy/as the life won't be bad,
the love we wanna go on/when you say we can try/when/for it'll be the best/cause we happily need.

i need your love/cause i wanna be your lover,
i wanna be brand new/when the love is heart and soul/although we're so poor/when we're praying now/but begging to my Lord,
we have the true hearts/when we wanna pay/cause the love is the best,
i wanna be your black sheep/who will give the Sunshine/as the love power will be added/for i'm your boy.

if you loved me/then i will be out of my mind,
we can fall in love now/as this is heart and soul/when you say about love/for i'm your lover/cause we're brand new,
i wanna piously pray/cause we're the lovers/who wanna show our true hearts,
this feel can be happily added/although some time we feel a little toil/but we're still go on/as you're my Angle.

i would always love you/until i die,
i wanna be your Angle/when we're fall in love/cause we're the lovers/whos love will be added/for our Lord,
we won't be toil/cause we're the black sheep/for we're following the Faith,
we will give our hearts/cause we're so happy now/for we have the happy will/though we're so poor.

i have see you/but i still unknow your name,
you must be my Angle/when we're here fall in love/as this time isn't bad/for i'm praying for my Lord/though i feel a little bit toil,
who is singing/when we see each other/under the Sanlight?
then we go to dance/i can feel your heart now/when i want to/cause this must be the true love.

the weather is turning to hot/cause it's the brightest Sunshine,
how can we fall in love/as i feel heart and soul/when i pray/cause the love is true to heart/for we're tender?
i wanna go on/when you care this love/but the will is hidding,
i don't feel toil/when we talk to the truth/but we don't know how/though the time i can add.

let's have a drink/when the time is unknow,
we can see the light/though we feel a little bit toil/when we're fall in love/so we're true to hearts/as the people is dancing now,
i wanna us to be lovers/cause i can see there are beds/when the party is going on,
how can this we'll pay/when i say it's not so bad/cause we want to/when the feeling is added.

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