[艺术创作] 英文长短句1类合集1

 楼主| 发表于 2025-1-16 09:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 IP:广东广州来自: 中国广东广州


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every night we pray/but no one know,
we're reading the prayer/as the true love/what makes the life can go on/cause we're the believers now/for we're brand new.
we can be the black sheep/under the Sanlight/although we're so toil,
we're suffering the dark/though there was not any truth/but we're still love all/when the life is so bad.

we can seek the happiness/when we pray,
we can be the happy guys/although the life is full of dark/but we're the believers/as we can follow/when we know the love,
though we're so toil/but we can be brand new/when we're praying now,
we can be under the Sanlight/what the life was so bad/but it still can go on/cause we all want to.

we're suffering/cause there is all of lie,
we wanna be the believers/but how we can go on/as the life is so poor/even it's so bad/cause there is no love,
we swear for the honour now/though the life is so toil/cause we still need to be saved,
we reach the dark/but my Lord is loving all/when we want to/cause the love is heart and soul.

we pray many times/but we are still believing in,
we wanna be brand new/cause we have the true love/although the life is so bad/when we're so toil/but we wanna hardly try,
we're the believers/when we wanna go on/although this is our Fate,
we're feeling so dark/but we still follow/cause we suffer to/whatever the painness now.

we can understand/whatever we face and suffer,
we hardly follow/on this this dark way/although the life is so bad/when we're so poor/for we're suffering now,
we wanna love all/when we barely feel the love/but we can see the lest Sanlight,
we wanna go on/cause we wanna be brand new/when we're so toil/but we're the black sheep.

the true love is miracles/when we're loving now,
we wanna be brand new/but we're so poor/cause the life is too poor/though we're going on/for we hardly suffer,
we wanna exchange being bad/when we wanna love/but our Faith,
we wanna be the blach sheep/for we're under the Sanlight/when we're so toil/but off any dark.

the will and future is hard to kill/when we're believing in,
we wanna follow/cause we love our Lord/although we're so poor/for the life is too bad/when we're hardly toil,
the hope is frail/cause we're the believers/whoever are under the Sanlight,
we can be honour now/cause our Lord loves us all/when we have the love/though the way is turn to be dark.

i wanna be brand new/cause i still believe in,
i wanna be go on/as the Sanlight gives me the hope/when i hardly go on/but the Fate/for i feel toil,
the life can be bad/but i wanna love/when i still try,
i can be the believer/though there is all of the dark/but i'm fighting now/cause someone need the love.

the love can will and hope/as we're under Sanlight,
we can be brand new/as the Fate is going on/though the life is so bad/but we have the love/without any dark,
we wanna piously pray/when we're crying/but our hearts are more firmer,
we wanna give up/but the best wish we want to/when we feel so toil/for we're the black sheep now.

how can this suffer and love/when there is the lest hope,
how can we seek the honour/when we feel so toil/but we wanna be love all/as love is heart and soul/for the life is so bad,
the true love we want to/when we're suffering now/but there is all of dark,
when we're under the Sanlight/we wanna be the black sheep/though there is less will/as we're facing the Fate.

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